







在4月23日世界读书日到来之际,中国日报携手中华儿慈会小爱也温暖基金、励步英语共同发起 “生而阅读”(Born to Read)公益阅读行动 。

届时,郎朗、吴尊、欧阳娜娜、吉克隽逸、蒋方舟、陈铭将化身“童心领读人”,为孩子们倾情朗读他们各自推荐的经典英文童书,带领孩子通过优质书籍了解世界,爱上阅读。 让我们一起期待他们的温暖献声吧!


Llama Llama Nighty-Night



Llama Llama系列经常在《纽约时报》畅销书榜上出现,在欧美儿童中知名度极高。这个系列非常适合0-3岁的低龄宝贝阅读,也推荐给初为人父母的家长朋友们——和你的宝宝在睡前一同享受亲子共读的美好时光吧!

The Llama Llama series often appears on the New York Times Best-Seller List. It enjoys immense popularity among children in Europe and the United States. This book is perfect for toddlers aged 0-3. Before going to sleep, you can have a great time reading it with your kids.

The Gruffalo



本书为英国国宝级作家Julia Donaldson的作品,通过诙谐幽默的语言和儿童喜爱的插画展现了一个生动有趣的故事。故事的主人公小老鼠在隐藏着重重危险的丛林中临危不惧,用机智化解危机,脱离险境,最终过上了快乐的生活。

This book is a classic by Julia Donaldson, a gem of British literature. The humorous text and child-friendly illustrations make the book a riveting read. The book tells the story of a little mouse who finds his way out of the hidden dangers in the wood using his courage and wit. As a result, he is able to live a happy life.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?



本书出自著名插画师 Eric Carle 之手。书中的故事流畅而有节奏,韵脚工整,朗朗上口,色彩丰富,画风鲜明,动物们的形象跃然纸上。

The book is illustrated by acclaimed illustrator Eric Carle. The story is well-paced and flows smoothly. The text is rhythmic and rolls right off the tongue. His illustrations burst with color and style, and bring various animal characters to life.

How to Bath Your Little Dinosaur




The book describes the whole process of bathing a little dinosaur. It helps children develop good habits and teaches them to be loving and responsible. It shows them that life isn’t all about asking. It is also about experiencing the joy of giving.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar



本书为深受喜爱的插画师Eric Carle的经典作品,讲述了一只毛毛虫一路吃遍各种食物,最后变成一只美丽蝴蝶的故事。通过阅读这本书,孩子可以对数字、颜色、食物、时间有一个初步的认知。

A classic by beloved illustrator Eric Carle, the book tells the story of a voracious caterpillar who eats his way through a variety of foods and eventually metamorphoses into a beautiful butterfly. It teaches children about numbers, colors, food and days of the week.

Charlotte's Web


图源:企鹅兰登出版社 ‍


The book tells the story of a pig named Wilbur and his friendship with a spider named Charlotte. When Wilbur is in danger of being slaughtered, Charlotte comes to his rescue. It is regarded as one of the most beloved children's books of all time.

儿童文学理论经典著作《欢欣岁月》 ( The Unreluctant Years ) 这样描述一本优秀童书该有的样子:

一本好的童书之所以好是因为它能给孩子带来有益的体验。 一本孩子爱读的好书能够使他获得成长,提升他的思想高度。 也能培养一些伴其一生的品质。

The thing that makes a book a good book to a child is that it is an experience. The child who has read and enjoyed such a book has grown a little, has added something to his stature as an individual. ... He has gained something permanent which can never be taken away from him.

